South boundary cleanup

Residents hard at work clearing the overgrown ivy patch on the South East perimeter wall. We also pruned some of the overhanging branches that were blocking the sunlight: lots more space for vegetables and more space for the other trees and bushes to grow – we’ve got two elder bushes just coming into flower and plans to plant more this year.


Communal composting

Down in the allotment a few of us got together recently to sort out the compost bins. If you want to add your own food waste please add to the active ‘FILL’ bin which is easy to spot thanks to the wonderful tags Jack kindly made for us. Thanks also to Giles and Nao for the graphic below which shows what should/shouldn’t be added and in what quantities. Please make sure you aren’t adding anything that won’t break down (e.g. some teabags contain plastic, unfortunately). There’s also a homemade sieve to sift out any stones and lumps. The compost which is ready is being spread on the veg patches now in readiness for this year’s harvest. Help yourself!

Compost Poster v2.jpg